Thank You. You Have Opted-Out of This Sponsorship Deal
We understand not every opportunity for brands to generously support schools is a fit for every school.
Campus Multimedia x Dutch Coffee is thankful to share the opportunity with you.
Did you unenroll from communication by mistake? If you would like to actually receive Dutch Bros support in the form os a $400 sponsorship you can click here to confirm and move forward.
Who Is
Campus Multimedia?
Campus Multimedia helps schools find and receive generosity from brands. When companies want help spreading the word of beneficial programs to schools and students - CM bridges the gap.
Dutch Bros Coffee is working with Campus Multimedia to offer select schools the opportunity to receive sponsorship.
We exist to help schools - and love this program as it’s a perfect way to support schools and their Booster and athletic programs. If you mistakenly confirmed Dutch Bros support, you can click here and we’ll remove your school from our support list.
“Thank you so much! We appreciate all you have been doing for us.”
- Briar Vista Elementary
School FAQs & More Information on Dutch Bros Coffee Sponsorship
Your local Dutch Bros wants to invest in your community! Selected schools are within range of Dutch Bros locations and can qualify on an enrollment basis.
If you’ve been contacted by Campus Multimedia, your local Dutch Bros is wanting to support your school.
Your school is one of the select few invited to participate so be sure you partner to take advantage of their generosity.
Once your banner arrives, you will display it in your stadium or primary athletic venue in a highly visible area. After submitting a photo of your banner on display, you will receive your sponsorship funds.
Yes! We will send you an image of exactly what the banner will look like before approving.
By accepting this offer from Dutch Bros, Campus Multimedia will make you an account on our sponsorship marketplace platform - which will always be free to use. From here, you can list your school’s assets that are available for sponsorship - making it easy for brands to purchase!
As a partner Campus Multimedia school, your school has support to answer your questions and help you communicate the program to students.
If you have direct program questions email Morgan@campusmultimedia.com.
Program Status: Enrollment Window