Recognition Programs

Embed Your Brand Into School Life By Delivering Rewards & Resources


Campus Multimedia Recognition Programs provide branded behavior recognition rewards to targeted schools.

  • Schools love motivating and praising students for a variety of accomplishments and behaviors. As a partnering brand, you can provide schools with traffic-driving rewards to recognize students, athletes, and/or staff.

    Your coupon certificate becomes the reward supplied to schools and their staff.

  • Schools love to celebrate and motivate their students. Often they have some means to reward select students, but due to budget, time, or resources schools face inconsistencies in delivering recognition rewards that are valuable and motivating to students.

    Providing certificates, coupons, cards, and more enables schools to celebrate their student achievements in more areas and is welcomed assistance.

  • Your brand message and offer will become a gift directly used to celebrate your future customers.

    Not only does your brand get to partner in a moment of meaningful student recognition, but your brand can serve targeted schools with valuable offers that drive sales.

And the Reward Goes To…

eMarketer reports that “91% of consumers say they have more positive feelings about a brand after a memorable brand experience.”

In providing schools with student rewards and recognition our partnering brands aren’t only making memorable experiences with students and teachers, but every family in the community.

Campus Multimedia provides schools with free support and incredible value. Brands we partner with are seen as both generous in meeting school needs and thoughtful in providing tangible value to hard-working students and staff.

“One of KFC’s core business strategies is to deeply connect with communities where we live and operate. Our local restaurants thrive when we give back to our communities and partnering with schools is a big part of that mission.”

- KFC, Head of National Field Marketing
National Field Marketing Manager for KFC

See a Recognition Program in Action

Jersey Mike’s Subs “A Student Above” Program

The “A Student Above” program launched in 2019 and continues to serve high schools today.

This recognition program involves a national competition to award students with scholarships, provides schools with coaches discounts/student-athlete award certificates, and gives schools the opportunity to win grants for showing their school spirit.

Schools are eager for ways to incentivize their students.

We’re inviting brands to reap the rewards of sponsoring student rewards.


Trusted to Execute Programs In Which Brands Win & Schools Win

Let’s build a plan for your brand to step into schools.

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! Our team can help brands build a Recognition Program to meet almost any goal. Share about your brand objectives below: