Logistics & Events Programs

The Ultimate Solution for
School Experiential Events


Campus Multimedia Logistics & Events Programs spark unforgettable brand moments in daily school life.

  • Our programs make experiential events an ease by seamlessly managing logistics and executing unforgettable on-site experiences. From planning to execution, we handle every detail to ensure impactful events that resonate with both students and faculty. Schools can rely on our comprehensive approach to meet their objectives and bring their ideas to life.

  • Schools love our programs for its turnkey solution that take the stress out of event management. We provide schools with custom promo kits to create anticipation and buzz within the student body.

    Additionally, our commitment to meeting the needs of schools ensures that events align with their values, fostering a memorable experience for everyone involved.

  • Brands love our programs for their ability to seamlessly integrate experiential marketing into high schools. By managing logistics and executing on-site events, we create authentic brand interactions that resonate with students.

    Our strategic approach ensures maximum brand visibility and engagement. It's a win-win, as brands connect with their target audience, leaving a lasting impact on both students and the school community.

Be Where You’ll
Be Remembered.

eMarketer reports that “91% of consumers say they have more positive feelings about a brand after a memorable brand experience.”

In providing schools with impactful events, brands aren’t only making memorable experiences with students and teachers, but every family in the community.

Campus Multimedia provides schools with free support and incredible value. Brands we partner with are seen as both generous in meeting school needs and thoughtful in providing tangible value to hard-working students and staff.

“Campus Multimedia is the expert on school marketing execution. Their team not only delivers unmatched access to local communities, but thoughtful strategies that exceed our goals.”

- Jersey Mike’s, Vice President of Marketing

See a Logistics & Events Program in Action

U.S. Army High School Mobile Tour

This national program incorporated an immersive digital game for students to engage with and share socially at school events.

The U.S. Army wanted to make school events more dynamic and fun by incorporating their digital #FindYourMission game at sporting events, lunchrooms, and career fairs. Our school relationships allowed us to schedule and coordinate school events with U.S. Army engagement to support schools.

Utilize our network and audience to make a big impact.

Reach national. Feel local. Impact your audience.


Trusted to Execute Programs In Which Brands Win & Schools Win

Let’s build a plan for your brand to step into schools.

Want to leverage our network of relationships? The CM team can generate a custom report based on your store list to show your potential program impact at a glance.

Fill out some info and upload your store list to know the number of schools within 3-5 miles of your locations. Soon you can see the data on how many schools, teachers, and students are in your neighborhood across the nation.