The People Behind the Magic

Meet the School Success Team

We’re Here to Cheer You On

The faces you see below are experts in generosity. They are doing the hard work to reach out to schools and share good news about free support we’re able to provide.

Relationships are Everything

If Campus Multimedia Is In Your Inbox - We’ve Got Good News!

CM School Programs Often Support:

Athletic Programs
School Counselors
Teachers & Staff
Milestone Moments
School Sponsorship

K-12 schools are stretched thin and most are happy to welcome additional resources that brands can freely provide. As CM finds brands ready to send schools support, they build valuable relationships built on improving the daily lives of students.

CM has created an opportunity for brands to support local school communities and drive action.

Every partnership program we implement in our network of more than 16 million students must serve a need in a key school moment - often through the form of recognition tools, resources, or revenue to reward schools or offset budgets.

  • “Our partnership with Campus Multimedia is based on shared values to promote the Broward Education Foundation and our growth to enhance impact in the community.”

    Broward County Education Foundation

  • "A BIG thank you for your support of our students. You have provided an opportunity for student employment that allows them to gain valuable experience. The rewards have been a tremendous help as well.”

    Principal, Johnston County Early College Academy

  • “It was so generous and kind of you to do this promotion. We were so happy to be able to offer your support to our kids.”

    Executive Director, Elizabeth Ives School for Special Children

  • "Thank you for the amazing opportunities you’ve provided to benefit our school and students. I’m confident we can continue to create impactful and meaningful opportunities for our students."

    Principal, Hawthorne Elementary School

  • “Thank you so much. This is one of our best support systems.”

    Mike Willey, Savanna High School

Recent Programs Supporting Schools